Vlad PopoviciLocal Advisor

Vlad Popovici
areas of expertise
  • Digital Strategy
  • Mobile
  • Communications
  • Technology
  • Management
  • Master’s in Marketing and Communication, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Bachelor’s in Finance and Banking, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Considered one of the first Internet pioneers in Romania, Vlad is a senior executive with more than 18 years experience in digital advertising, with extensive experience in building, expanding and leading agencies specialized in integrated communication and technology such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Graffiti BBDO and Kubis – as a Managing Director for the past 9 years. 

Vlad has Finance and Banking background and a Masters in Marketing and Communication, and also contributed to the NGO’s world as Vice President for Romanian Business Students’ Association (ASER), and also member of JCI Romania.

Highly involved in the local digital community as a respectable jury member in competitions such as ADC*Romania, Webstock and Mobifest, Vlad is also author of articles on hot topics like IoT, online marketing and mobile, digital trends and technology.

For the last 4 years, Vlad is also a teacher in the digital module  – part of IAA school (International Advertising Association), public speaker in digital conferences and leads the Communication Department of Rotary Cismigiu Association.

contact details

Bucharest, Romania

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